Summary Page

The evidence displayed on the previous page suggest many things concerning gun control and violence in America. The most concern about gun control was clearly following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Although 2018 has seen fierceless high schoolers advocating for gun reform, Sandy Hook had the biggest effect and probably had lasting effects on America's legislature. 

It is clear that a distraught Florida had many great concerns about gun control following the Parkland shooting. But after the shooting, there is a great decline in talk of gun control, something that has been repeated many times in America's history. Some Parkland students founded the March for Our Lives, a rally to promote gun reform laws and raise awareness of mass shootings. Even when March for Our Lives took place on March 24, gun control was widely searched online in DC, but not nearly as relevant in Florida. This demonstrates how location is the key to raising awareness for gun control. Although Florida was most greatly effected by the Parkland shooting and residents of Florida started the huge movement, Florida quickly moved on from gun control, whereas the March for Our Lives greatly impacted residents of DC. This suggests that in order to raise sufficient awareness in all 50 states, a March for Our Lives (or something similar) has to take place in every state. 

Parkland students and social activists are currently touring the nation, promoting gun safety. Instead of mourning and then moving on, teenagers are finally taking a stand for the future of their country. It is clear that certain change must take place in order to create a safe society where kids can go to school and get an education without being in fear. 

So to answer the big question: Effective change can be made everywhere. It is obvious that the March for Our Lives effectively promoted gun safety in DC. Even if no legislation has been passed yet, gun control was a very popular topic after the major rally. If you want to go out and raise awareness your own way, trust that you can inspire others to stand up and make change for the good of this country. 

Overview Page.